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If you have any problems with your knee or hip replacement, I will see you at any time for review. If it has been more than a year since seeing me it is best to check in with your family physician first as they are the gate keepers for the health care system.
If your joint replacement is working well it is still good to see me in review every ten years. This way we can repeat an x-ray and make sure that the bearing surface is adequate.
What should I do with my incision when I go home?Most of the time I use a dry bandage to cover the incision. The bandage is there to make sure the staples do not catch on your clothes and it will also catch the occasional bit of oozing from your wound. It is not nesseccary to keep the bandage on if your wound is dry. When you shower take the bandage off and wash the incision with soap and water, then pat dry with a towel. You may then place a new dry bandage over if needed. Do NOT soak the incision in a bath or swimming pool until the incision is really well healed (usually 4 weeks after it stops oozing). If there is continued oozing that lasts more than a week OR increases in volume please let my office know. Staples should be removed by your family physician or health care provider 2 weeks post op unless otherwise instructed. You will need to phone to make this appointment.
When can I resume driving?The evidence on when to drive after a joint replacement is conflicting and the most common theme is that you need to be relatively pain free and able to move you leg quickly from the gas to the brake to be safe. A good guideline for most people is that you can gradually return to driving when you are off narcotic medications AND using minimal assistance of walking devices. For most of my patients this will be somewhere between 2 to 6 weeks post op. Please use common sense and be safe. If you are unsure or feel unsafe please wait to check with myself, another health care provider or SGI!
When should I stop my pain medications?Narcotic medications (ie hydromorphone) should be stopped first. Gradually decrease and then discontinue them when you are able to. Extra medications can be returned to the pharmacy. Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatories (ie Advil, Aleve, Celebrex etc.) can be used for both pain and swelling. If someone has poor kidney function, stomach upset or is on strong blood thinners I may not have sent you home on any NSAID's. Also patients with medical conditions such as high blood pressure or diabetes should be careful with these medications and only use under the guidance of their family doctor. If you have any questions please contact your pharmacist or family doctor. Tylenol is usually the safest pain medication and should be discontinued last. All these medications can be taken at the same time IF they were prescribed to you.
What excercises should I do after my surgery?In the first 6 weeks it is VERY important to follow the instructions that the physiotherapist gave you post-operatively (most specifically the range of motion restrictions). I will meet with you at six weeks to relax some of the hip precautions.
When should I use a cane?Initially most people will start with a walker. You may transition to a cane when you are stable enough that you will not fall and hurt yourself. As your stability and strength increases over time you can stop using the cane. If you notice that during an activity you are starting to limp you should either stop the activity or use the cane for the remainder of the activity. Limping means your muscles are not strong enough yet! If you limp too much it can cause pinching in your hip (anterior hip pain) or trochanteric bursitis (lateral hip pain). This will not wreck your hip replacement but if can be quite uncomfortable.
What else can I do for my pain, swelling and stiffness?"Heat can be good for rehab especially if you are feeling stiff (ie. in the morning). Ice, cooling pads or even cooling machines (such as ColdTherapy or Game Ready) can be helpful to decrease inflammation. This may be useful after activities or excercise. Compression can be used to decrease swelling in the foot and leg. Tensor bandages, compression stockings or compression machines (such as Game Ready) can decrease swelling and improve circulation. Swelling in the leg can last for months after a joint replacement.
Where can I get Cold Therapy or Game Ready MachinesCold therapy (ie cryocuff) or similar machines will circulate iced water over the area of concern. These machines are available many places in the city however if you are having difficulty locating a place to rent or purchase you can call Mike at SOSMC ( Game Ready is a unique device that provides compression and cooling in one device. To rent this please contact Stephanie Thoms at or (306) 229-6093. Benifit companies will often cover a portion of these costs.
Questions about bleeding and blood thinners?Usually after a hip replacement you are put on blood thinners for 1 month to decrease the risk of blood clots. Rivaroxaban and ASA are the two common blood thinners I use (not usually at the same time however). If you have excessive bruising or bleeding from the wound or anywhere else please contact my office as I will likely need to decrease or discontinue your blood thinner. Also note that Rivaroxaban (aka Xeralto) has exceptional drug status in Saskatchewan so the government should cover the majority of the cost after a hip replacement.
Should I use compression stockings?Compression stockings can be a great way to manage swelling in your legs. Perscription stocking work well but can be expensive and hard to put on so often over the counter stockings will work best. The higher up the leg they reach the more they will manage your swelling, and of course, if you have your feet up you can take them off!
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