What to Expect before you have your Surgery
Before your surgery you can expect to meet with Dr Lutz to discuss your options. After meeting with Dr. Lutz, if needed, you will be added to the surgical wait-list and be eligible to attend teaching session offered by the health region to prepare you for your surgery.
Office Visit
After Dr. Lutz's office receives your referral letter from another physician you will be contacted as soon as we are able to offer you an appointment time. We will have a thorough discussion regarding the risks and benefits of having surgery and if after this consultation, if it is deemed necessary, you will be added to Dr. Lutz's surgical wait-list.
Surgical Wait-List
If surgery is decided upon you are then added to the wait-list and will begin to prepare for your surgery by attending the teaching sessions offered by the Health Region. The length of time you spend on the waiting list is determined largely by the Health Region and their allocation of operating time. Once we receive a date for your surgery you will be notified by Dr. Lutz's office. It is common to have a month or two between the notification of your date for surgery and the actual surgery so that you have time to prepare. There is a cancellation list and if you would like to be added to the list please contact the office. Patients on this list will be contacted when a surgery has been cancelled and may only have a couple days notice. You do not need to accept a surgical date that is offered even if you are on the cancellation list.
Teaching Sessions
Is a province wide initiative to provide information to patients before they have surgery. The session is tele-conferenced to the entire province and gives patients the opportunity to meet the health care team that will assist them during and after their surgery. A surgeon will speak at this session but it may not be Dr. Lutz.
Pre-Assessment Clinic
Pre Assessment Clinic (PAC) Visit - Patients that have been scheduled for surgery that requires a stay in hospital of more than 24 hours are usually booked for a Pre Assessment Clinic Visit. This visit will occur anywhere from 30 days prior to the booked operation date, to the day before. At this visit you will receive in-depth pre-operative teaching and/or medical/anaesthesia consultations.
If your condition warrants consultation with a specialist, an appointment will be booked to review your case and undergo specific tests that will better tell medical staff how to tailor the surgery to your needs.
You may also have blood tests and urine tests. If there are any problems, there will be enough time to clear them up before surgery. X-rays are taken so your surgeon has an up-to-date picture of what to expect during the operation. If for some reason you have not already signed a consent form, you will get another chance during the clinic.
Next on the pre-clinical agenda will probably be an anaesthetist who will explain what to expect with the local (or infrequently general) anaesthesia. In both cases, you’ll feel no pain during surgery, which is the whole point. Recovery time from the effects of general anaesthetics is variable (a day or more), and the feelings of disorientation and listlessness can occasionally be accompanied by headache, nausea or constipation. If your general health we often suggest a local anaesthetic, which causes less of a post-operative “hangover” but means you will be awake during the surgery, although your view will be obstructed by a curtain. Many people bring music to listen to during surgery. We can give enough sedation as you need to make you comfortable even if you choose to have a local anaesthetic.
An occupational therapist (OT) will discuss some of the upcoming lifestyle changes you should expect. For instance, during the first few weeks after the operation, you’ll need to be careful how you walk and do everyday tasks while your body heals and adapts to the new implant. For example, if you had hip-replacement surgery, to avoid possible dislocation during the recovery period, you must keep your knees below the level of your hips when seated. The OT can discuss things such as a handy wedge cushion that, when placed on the seat of a chair, will automatically push your hips higher than your knees.