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Pain Management in Hospital

Before your surgery you can expect to meet with Dr Lutz to discuss your options.  After meeting with Dr. Lutz, if needed, you will be added to the surgical wait-list and be eligible to attend teaching session offered by the health region to prepare you for your surgery.




Office Visit


After Dr. Lutz's office receives your referral letter from another physician you will be contacted as soon as we are able to offer you an appointment time.  We will have a thorough discussion regarding the risks and benefits of having surgery and if after this consultation, if it is deemed necessary, you will be added to Dr. Lutz's surgical wait-list.

Surgical Wait-List 


We will have a thorough discussion regarding the risks and benefits of having surgery and if after this consultation, if it is deemed necessary, you will be added to Dr. Lutz's surgical wait-list.





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